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Advanced Mathematics


In recent years the number of topics in mathematics required of engineer...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070990646
Autor: Murray Spiegel
Páginas: 407
Formato: 19 x 26 (impresso)
Publicação: 1983




Sinopse: In recent years the number of topics in mathematics required of engineers and scientists has greatly increased. This is to be expected since mathematics plays a vital role as a language in the formulation and solution of problems involving science and engineering and as these problems become more complex it is natural that the mathematical methods needed for their solution should increase in number and complexity.
It is the purpose of this book to provide important advanced mathematical concepts and methods needed by engineers and scientists as well as mathematicians who are interested in the applications of their field. The book has been designed as a supplement to all current standard textbooks or as a textbook for a formal course in the mathematical methods of engineering and science.
Each chapter begins with a clear statement of pertinent definitions, principles and theorems together with illustrative and other descriptive material. This is followed by graded sets of solved and supplementary problems. The solved problems serve to illustrate and amplify the theory, bring into sharp focus those fine points without which the student continually feels himself on unsafe ground, and provide the repetition of basic results are included among the solved problems. The large number of supplementary problems serve as a review and possible extension of the material of each chapter.



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