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Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 8.0 Study Gui de Exam 310-011 & 310-012


100% Complete Coverage – All official test objectives for exams 310-011 ...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0072123699
Autor: Osborne
Páginas: 892
Formato: 19,5 x 24 (impresso)




Sinopse: 100% Complete Coverage – All official test objectives for exams 310-011 and 310-012 are covered in detail.
Hands-on Exercises – Step-by-step instruction modeled after classroom labs.
Exam Watch – Warnings based on thorough post-exam research identifying the most troublesome exam topics and how to answer them correctly.
Three Types of Practice Questions – Knowledge, scenario, and lab-based questions, all with in-depth answers.
From the Classroom – Discussions of important issues direct from the classrooms of Global Knowledge’s award-winning instructors.
Full coverage of the topics you need to review, including how to:
Use the boot service function on a subnet.
Configure NIS name service support for JumpStart.
Understand Sun hard disks.
Create and add a swap file to the system swap space.
Set up cache file system logging.
Configure the cache file system in an existing client/server environment.
Understand the characteristics of the Solaris pseudo file system types.
Use the format command.
Use the menu selections for the partition subcommand under the format command.
Differentiate between the /etc/mnttab and/etc/vfstab files.
Include CD-ROM.



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Formato: 24 x 24 x 24
Lista: 623,96
Desconto: 93,59
Preco: 530,37



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