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Acomputer Science Tapestry Exploring Programming and Compute r Science With C++


A Computer Science Tapestry provides a compelling introduction to comput...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 007115650X
Autor: Owen Astrachan
Páginas: 677
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)




Sinopse: A Computer Science Tapestry provides a compelling introduction to computer science and programming using C++. Drawing from real-world examples, the text exploits the best features of C++ in teaching programming, computer science, and problem-solving and software engineering skills, the book is designed to be used by students whit no programming experience but provides a solid introduction to C++ and object-based, object-oriented programming for those with knowledge of another programming language.
The book focuses on reading, using, and modifying classes before designing and implementing them; the classes are based on industry-accepted standards but have been developed and tested for use by beginning students. Emphasizing recent approaches to programming and pedagogy, students use classes as clients or apprentices to begin their study of programming and computer science and as a gradual introduction to object-based programming. In later chapters, class implementations are used to study advanced features of C++.
Key Features:
This is the first text to use string and vector classes as a starting point rather than C-style, pointer-based implementations of strings and arrays.
Students read, use, and modify classes before implementing them.
The book contains the essentials of C++ but not the entire language.
Optional Computer Science Excursion sections allow students to explore central concepts.
More than 130 complete, commented programs are included, along with Case Studies/Design Projects at the ends of chapters.
After each major subsection, Pause and Reflect questions help students focus on key aspects of the topic covered.





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